Safety and Security

Prioritizing Student and Staff Safety at WCS
Safety is a top priority at WCS. We want to share some information on what we do at WCS to ensure student safety on all our campuses. If you have specific concerns or questions regarding safety, you are encouraged to contact any WCS Administrator. We continue to do all that we can to make our schools safe and inviting places for students.

Staff Training and Emergency Drills
Our teachers receive ALICE TrainingⓇ (Alert, Inform, Lockdown, Counter, Evacuate). Additionally, we provide a number of age-appropriate emergency drills throughout the school year so that kids know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Safety Plan and Threat Assessment
All Ohio schools are required to develop and submit extensive safety plans that are reviewed, revised, and submitted annually to the State. Visit the Ohio School Safety website for general information on School Safety Plan components. Since School Safety Plans are designed to identify and address vulnerabilities and plan for threat responses, they are not considered public records.
Safety plans are reviewed by State experts with the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC). Once plans are graded using a rubric, the OSSC provides guidance to help schools implement best practices and improve their plans. Throughout this process our leadership team addresses any vulnerabilities that may be identified. Those reviews have led us to improvements like the renovated entries at WHS, Holmes, and Denver and our new Raptor visitor screening software in all our schools.
Our District also has a Threat Assessment Team. “The goal of a Threat Assessment is to identify students of concern, assess their risk for engaging in violence or other harmful activities, and identify intervention strategies to manage that risk.” (USSS, NTAC, “Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model: An Operational Guide for Preventing Targeted School Violence” (2018), pp 5.). All Threat Assessment Team members receive specific training through approved programs.

Building Security
All our schools have secured entrances. In addition to being locked throughout the school day, the main entrances are now designed to funnel all visitors directly to the main office, limiting access to any other part of the building. We have also added window/door film to decrease visibility into the building and to provide additional strength to the glass.
Each school building has security cameras deployed in strategic locations as permissible by law.
Our old key lock system at Holmes and Denver was replaced with a new door locking notification system from Oak Security Group. Holmes Elementary is piloting security indicators, lockdown and notification features, in addition to the key change system. The Middle and High School building locks are in the process of being updated as well.

Visitor Management System
The District utilizes the Raptor Visitor Management system to screen visitors with a scan of their driver’s license. The system checks IDs for a match in multiple data bases (ie. registered sex offender data base). If there is no alert on the ID, the visitor is provided with a badge for the visit so that staff members are aware of who they are and their purpose for being in the building. Visitors are not permitted into the buildings beyond the front office without being cleared for entrance by the Raptor system.

Cyber Security
Our IT Department has implemented numerous digital security features for our classrooms, systems, and offices to enhance student productivity and security:
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): We will now be requiring all staff to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for their Google accounts. MFA is an extra layer of security that requires users to enter a code from their phone in addition to their password when they log in. This will help to protect our Google accounts from unauthorized access.
- Blocksi Web Filtering: Blocksi Web Filtering (District wide) and Classroom Management (WHS,WMS, Denv) Software will be implemented for the 2023-2024 school year. These tools will help us to keep our students safe online and provide teachers with more control over their a powerful tool that can block inappropriate content, such as pornography, violence, and hate speech. It can also be used to filter out websites that are not educationally relevant.
- Carbon Black EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response): This tool will help us to protect our computers from malware and other security threats. Carbon Black EDR is a cloud-based solution that monitors our computers for suspicious activity. If it detects any threats, it will automatically quarantine the infected computer and notify the IT department.
- Secure Wifi Access: All of our networks are secured using WPA2, an encrypted security protocol that protects internet traffic on wireless networks. The second-generation of the Wi-Fi Protected Access security protocol, WPA2 addresses earlier flaws and offers more powerful encryption.

Student Services and Supports
There are continued efforts in each building focused on resolving conflict without violence, bullying prevention, school-based counseling/therapy services, and behavior management to improve the overall climate in our buildings and provide additional student support.
We have a number of age-appropriate programs and supports in place to help students learn to make healthy decisions.
- PAXIS Program: The PAX behavior program is implemented in our Elementary buildings to help our youngest students learn how to regulate their behavior, focus their attention, improve academic outcomes, and more.
- Social Emotional Learning: An important part of a student's development is learning how to manage their emotions, resolve conflict, build strong relationships, and make healthy decisions. Social-Emotional Learning takes place throughout the school day (and at home) as students learn to navigate their emotions, relationships, classes, homework, and more.
- Second Step Program: WMS utilizes the Second Step Program to help students learn important life skills like building positive relationships, managing their emotions, and setting goals that help them in school and in life.
- PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support): PBIS is a tiered behavior intervention approach for schools and families. Learn more about PBIS at
- Restorative Practices: Helping students learn and practice techniques for resolving conflicts without violence.
- Prevention Services: Middle/High School students have access to on-site prevention services through Talbert House. Students learn about the negative impact of nicotine, alcohol, and drugs and to make healthy choices for themselves.
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Counseling Supports at each building
- Peers Helping Peers at the High School
- Check and Connect: WMS provides a Mentoring Program to at-risk youth, helping students stay on track for success at school and for graduating on time.

School Safety Hotline
It’s important to remember that students, parents, and community members also play a critical role in keeping children safe at home and at school. If you see/hear something concerning, say something. Stress with your child the importance of talking to a trusted adult or using the District’s School Safety Hotline (available 24/7) when they are concerned. 911 should be used in cases of urgent safety concerns.
Here are some tips for families:
- If you have firearms, always secure them properly to prevent unintended harm or planned violence. Visit for tips.
- Have conversations with your kids about healthy ways to deal with conflict.
- Reach out to your family physician, mental health provider, school teacher, or administrator if you have concerns for your child’s mental well-being.
- Remember that there is help available in our schools and in our community. Visit our Parent Resources page for information on local resources.
If you have specific concerns regarding any school safety topic, you are encouraged to contact any WCS Administrator. Safety is a priority at WCS and we will continue to do all that we can to make our schools safe and inviting places for our students.
Have your student download the app today!
You can now report bullying and safety concerns from your smartphone using the Stay Safe. Speak Up! app. Here’s how to download the app to your phone:
iPhone users:
- Visit the App store and search for “Stay Safe. Speak Up!”
- Download the app
- Enter our District Code to connect the app to our district. District Code: Cane
Android users:
- Visit the Google Play store and search for “Stay Safe. Speak Up!”
- Download the app
- Enter our District Code to connect the app to our district. District Code: Cane
Note: You can also call the School Safety Hotline (1-866-547-8362) or use the online form found on our district’s website to share safety concerns.