Weather Delay / Cancel

Inclement Weather Impact
During the school year, weather can impact our school day. From Martinsville to Port William, weather and road conditions can vary greatly in a district our size (161 square miles!). The district may delay or close school when they determine that it is isn't safe to transport students safely and/or clear our lots and sidewalks. Parents should have a plan for alternate childcare in the event that school is delayed, closed, or released early.

We notify the our WCS families in a number of ways when there is a delay, cancellation, or early release from school.
- Online at Look for a yellow alert banner at the top.
- One-Call/Autodialer - WCS families are automatically added by the school and will receive these calls/messages. It's critical that you keep your phone number updated in our systems in order to receive these messages. WCS parents should log-in to their FinalForms account at to update their information.
- District Social Media Channels
- Cincinnati and Dayton area tv stations
Community members can also sign up for alerts through our Community Messenger.
Weather Delay or Early Release
Delays: When the district feels that a delay will allow enough time for improved road conditions we will utilize a 2 hour delay schedule. This schedule will allow local road crews more time to service the roads before school begins.
- In the event of a 2 hour delay, there will be no AM preschool and no breakfast service. Afternoon pre-school will be held at the regular time.
- Dismissal times will remain the same for all students.
- Bus pick-up: 2 hours after normal time
- Note: If road conditions do not improve enough, the weather is still causing a significant impact to roads, or the city/county issues snow emergencies, then a delay may be changed to a closing.
Early Release: On rare occasions, we may have weather conditions (shifting snow/ice storm, tornado warnings, etc) that crop up once kids are already at school that may necessitate sending kids home from school early. Parents will be alerted by our autodialer system and should have a plan in place for childcare in the event that we have to send kids home early from school.
Tips for Families
- Does the school have your current phone number? Make sure to update your child's school with this information so that you receive important school day alerts.
- Have a plan and discuss it with your kids: Decide on your childcare plans in the event of a delay, cancellation, or early dismissal?
- Have a few games, activities, and books tucked away to keep them busy and productive in the event that school is cancelled.
- Watch the temperature and make sure that you plan for enough warm clothes, gloves, hats, scarves, boots, etc to keep kids toasty at the bus stop or on their walk to school.
- Please be patient. Wet, snowy weather can occasionally cause slower bus routes. Safety is our first priority.
- If you're driving on snowy/icy roads (anytime, actually) be extra aware of children walking to school or waiting for a bus.
How is the decision made to delay, close, or release early?
Snow cancellations and delays can be one of the superintendent's toughest decisions. There are a number of things that have to be considered.
- How much snow and/or ice are we getting?
- When will it come?
- How will the roads be in the morning?
- Will it be safe for our buses to travel?
- Will a delay allow enough time for the roads to improve?
- When will the city/township/county snow plows be out?
Trying to forecast the weather is a very difficult science, and often a minor shift in the jet stream will falsify a forecast in minutes. We strive to rely on actual conditions and not on what might be. Beginning around 4 a.m. administrators begin driving through different areas of our district to test the road conditions.
If it is apparent that road conditions are not safe, the decision is made as early as possible, and appropriate notifications are put into place, so families can have as much time as possible to make childcare arrangements.
How do I find out if school is delayed, cancel, or early release?
We notify the public in a number of ways when there is a delay, cancellation, or an early release from school.
- Online at Look for a yellow alert banner at the top.
- One-Call Auto Dialer (students automatically added by the school) It's critical that you keep your phone number updated in our systems in order to receive important school messages. Log-in to your FinalForms at to update your information.
- District Social Media Channels
- Cincinnati and Dayton area tv stations
Why does the district delay for dense fog?
When visibility is critically low due to extremely dense fog, children are at risk whether they are walking to school or waiting for a bus.
What about sporting and other events when school is closed?
Decisions regarding previously scheduled athletic events, concerts, and other evening activities will be made on a case by case basis. Information regarding those events will be communicated via our district website and social media channels, as well as our Autodialer messages. For athletic events, you might find it helpful to follow our Athletic Director on Twitter/x @WHSCaneAD.