Staff Links & Resources
OTES 2.0 Resources
Teachers may find helpful information regarding the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES 2.0) in the documents below.
- OTES 2.0 Overview (slideshow pdf)
- OTES 2.0 Rubric (pdf)
- Teacher Self-Assessment (doc)
- Professional Growth Plan (doc)
- Conference Questions (doc)
- High-Quality Student Data Resources (doc)
For additional information regarding the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System visit the Ohio Department of Education OTES 2.0 web page.
Staff Links
- Science of Reading Landing Page (staff)
Student Data
- DASL - Access the DASL student information system
- MVECA- Access to DASL, PB
- Progress Book - Access grade book, attendance, student schedules, student grades
- Public School Works: Discipline Referral
Staff Data
- AESOP- Need a sub? Please see Aesop/Kiosk Integration for procedures first.
- Background WebCheck - Renewal for current WCS employees:
- Appointments for webchecks at Cl. Co. Sheriff must be booked online in advance at Clinton County Sheriff's Office website
- FBI WebCheck Form - All persons requesting web checks at the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office must bring in the completed form
- You will need to have your drivers license and exact amount (they do NOT make change) for the Sheriff's Department. Only cash, check, or money orders accepted at the Sheriff's Dept. They do NOT take credit cards.
- Destiny
- Employee Benefits Information
- Employee Kiosk - Staff leave system for requesting vacation, personal, and other days off. Certified staff see Aesop/Kiosk Integration for procedures.
- Final Forms Login
- Gmail
- Job Calendars
- Maintenance Department Login
- OhioES Login
- Payroll - Information and payroll-related forms
- Public School Works
- Skyline Web Print- Submit and review print orders for the copy center
- Teaching and Learning
- Visit Staff Forms page common forms used for staff requests and reports.
- Visit District Forms & Documents for student and parent forms, documents, and handbooks.
Help Tickets
- Technology Support Ticket--Login issues, computer problems, printers, etc.
- Maintenance Ticket --heating and air, electrical, etc.
- Bus Maintenance Ticket
- High School Tech Support
Administrator Forms
Talbert House Referral Form (online)
Talbert House Parent Consent Form (pdf)
Clinton County Resource Center Referral (online form link)
CIT Referral Form (pdf)