Clubs & Activities
Make the most of your High School experience by getting involved in our clubs and activities! Keep scrolling and see what we have to offer at WHS and get involved today!

The Instrumental Music Program in the Wilmington City Schools consists of over 300 students in grades 6-12. From an introduction to instruments in 6th grade to the PRIDE of Wilmington Marching Band in high school, we have a rich history of outstanding instrumental music programs. From Wind Ensemble to Jazz Band, Symphonic Band to Pep Band, you're sure to find a fit for your interests.
Visit Wilmington Bands for more on our extensive Instrumental Music Program at WCS.

Cane Tech Squad
The Cane Tech Squad Help Desk is a student-run computer support program where students and teachers can get technology help throughout the school day. If you are interested in joining the tech squad, just reach out to Mr. Reed.
Visit the Cane Tech Squad Help Desk to learn more.

The Wilmington Choir Program provides vocal music education to students in grades 6-12. Our performing ensembles include, The Wilmington Middle School Choirs (comprised of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students), The Wilmington High School Chorale (comprised of 9th - 12th grade students), and The Wilmingtones (Our select-auditioned show choir). Our ensembles perform seasonal concerts at our school and around the community.
You can follow our choirs on facebook at Wilmington Choirs. For more information on our Vocal Music opportunities please contact Ryan Hutcherson at WMS/WHS.

WHS has a rich tradition of providing excellent opportunties through our FFA program. We have several activities that we complete throughout the year such as Career Development Events, Chapter Banquets, National and State FFA Conventions, Greenhand/Chapter Degree Ceremony, Clinton County Jr. Fair, and more.
Contact Gabrielle Cooper at the High School if you are ready to learn more about our FFA program and check out our FFA Website to see our activities and progress throughout the year.

Phi Delta Sigma
Phi Delta Sigma is the Wilmington High School Scholastic Honor Society sponsored by the Scholastic Achievement Council and is the High School's 1st academic achievement honor society. Each year, deserving students from all four grades who meet rigorous academic standards are recognized during a Spring convocation. Students can qualify each year during their high school experience. The requirements are reconsidered each year by the Scholastic Achievement Council and in collaboration with WHS teachers and administrators.
Visit WHS Phi Delta Sigma for details and qualifications or contact Erin Moore at the High School.

Technology Club
This student driven group allows members to explore technology by getting actively involved with it. The WHS Technology Club (formerly AV Club) meets at least monthly in the WHS Library Learning Commons. For more information please see Mr. Reed in the LLC or simply come to the next meeting.
Visit the WHS Technology Club for details and meeting dates.

We have an award-winning theater program at WHS and you can be a part of the action! Whether you are interested in set design, stage crew, or performing, there is room for you to participate.
Visit WHS Theatre to learn more about our theater courses and productions. Reach out to Mr. Lydy if you have questions.